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2021 Subscription Coffee - July

Coffee information Delagua Neighbors -Lot 58


Variety: Castillo

Region: ciénaga ,magdalena

Altitude: 1300-1800 masl

Process: Natural


以下是我們V60 02的沖煮方式 以斷水式沖煮 研磨度 C40 -26 click --Medium-coarse

粉量 15g 水溫 95c

Blooming 40 ml, 40sec

總沖煮時間 2min10


1g to 16ml 斷水式 time. total volume 0:00 40ml 0:40. 120ml 1:20 180ml 1:45. 240ml


香氣 Ferment, Ripe plum, Dark chocolate 風味 Cherry Liqueur , Red Cherry --> Lime,Milk cj=hocolate-->Lemon candy

酸度 Red Berries-->Grapes

甜度 Caramel--> Candy

口感 Bold

餘韻 Lemon-lime-->Cocoa



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