2021 Subscription Coffee - August
Coffee information Lot: D28 Daterra
Cerrado, Brazil
1150 masl
Process: Aerobic Natural
About Naomi
Naomi is a cross between C. Arabica and Robusta with selections performed by somaclonal variations in a research partnership between Daterra and Illy. This varietal was first planted into our lands in 1995 and, today, Daterra have plants in their fourth and fifth generations
About process Daterra made this coffee fermenting the ripe Naomi cherries inside an open tank. Don’t use water, yeast, or any other additives – it’s an open, natural fermentation.
以下是我們V60 02的沖煮方式 以斷水式沖煮
研磨度 C40 -24 click --Medium
粉量 15g
水溫 92c
Blooming 30 ml, 35sec
總沖煮時間 2min
1g to 15ml 斷水式 time. total volume 0:00 35ml 0:35. 120ml 1:00 180ml 1:30 225ml
香氣: Ferment, Cherry
風味: Tropical fruit, Orange candy --> Pineapple, Red apple -->Signature of Naomi (Spicy mix fruity
酸度: Medium-High Tropical fruit
甜度: Muskmelon
口感: Juicy
餘韻: Mixed yellow fruit, hints of floral